Why Skillieo works

Why Skillieo works

We strive to improve the business performance of organizations, as well as the skill level of individuals within them through effective learning. That aim forms the foundation of our instructional design philosophy.

Our courses are designed according to principles of effective learning, and employ an unprecedented number and variety of interactions to stimulate learning through storytelling, discussion, engagement, and community support which extend beyond simple knowledge recall to invoke high-level thinking and problem solving.

Our Unique Approach

Each course topic focuses on the accomplishment of specific performance objectives and the development of valuable new skills.

Learning through engagement

Rather than broadcast long classroom lectures, ideas are introduced via high quality videos and articles. You can then discuss what you’ve learned, testing your new knowledge with interactive quizzes that offer helpful responses and the opportunity to try again if an answer is wrong. Every course tells a story, step by step, with challenges and helpful tips along the way, to test and build your understanding.

Visible learning

One way to enhance learning is to make the process visible, so that you know what is coming next, where you are in the course and how far you have come. from the breakdown of your course curiculum, you get an overview of the course, showing the activities for each week, and keeping a record of what you’ve completed.
Your profile page also provides a summary of your own activity, including your courses and any comments you have made.

Discussion for learning

We learn best when we share and debate ideas with fellow learners, to understand their different experiences and perspectives and to fill the gaps in our own knowledge. When you join a course or start a new topic, you can start by reading what other people have to say, and then join in when you’re ready. If you particularly like a comment, you can choose to follow its author so that you can easily find the people and comments that are of the most interest to you.

Community supported learning

To support the large number of learners on our platform, we have optimized the learning platform to harness the power of the community, where learners can make immediate use of their newly acquired skills by sharing their knowledge with their peers.

Making connections with other learners on your course is another key feature on Skillieo. The learning environment allows you to acknowledge good contributions and promote people who offer helpful advice, and to develop your own reputation. In this way, success comes not just from passing an assignment and completing a course, but also from making a contribution to the Skillieo community.